Angelika Dgina Scottish Fold color: turtle marble (n22)
Gold Queen Black Diamond scottish fold color: gold tabby (sfs ny24)
Rumfold Frosty Tenderness Scottish fold color: tortoise spotty mink with the white
Rumfold Nona, Highland straight, color: black marble turtle with the white
Bett Porter Scottish Fold, Int.Ch. Color: tortoise marble (SFS f 22)
Tina Kennard, Scottish Fold, color: silvery marble turtle (SFS fs22)
CH. DayNight Tiger Scottish Fold color cs24
Int.Ch. DayNight Gabriella Manchkin (ns11)
Int.CH.DayNight Astrid Scottish straight color silver-chocolate (sfs 71 bs22)
Int.CH.DayNight Liza-Mandarin Scottish Straight black marble (sfs 71 n22)
Gr.Int.Ch.DayNight Michel Rosali Scottish Straight (SFS 71 ns 11)
Gr.Int.Ch.DayNight Basia Scottish fold color blue torte (sfs g)
INT.CH. DayNight Mona Scottish straight black marble (SFS 71 n 22)
DAyNight Dgoslin Scottish Fold Silver-Chocolate marble (SFS bs 22)
CH.DayNight Vesta SFS ns 22
CH.DayNight Lusiena Scottish fold
Sakura Scottish Straight
April Munchkin-Fold color: Arlekin
Shary Queen of Marble color: silver marble fs22
Paris Munchkin color: red white
Sunny Munchkin green eyed
DayNight 2025
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